Using JSON Paths, you can use specific rules to extract precise data from your JSON record, instead of extracting the entire JSON dump.
JSON Paths can be used to extract a part of JSON, filter specific items conditionally from an array of objects. You can use JSON Paths with the Read Bins API.
Syntax of JSON Path & Examples are based on Stefan Goessner's post introducing JSONPath.
JSON Path | Description |
$ | The root object/element |
@ | The current object/element |
. | Child member operator |
.. | Recursive descendant operator; JSONPath borrows this syntax from E4X |
* | Wildcard matching all objects/elements regardless their names |
[] | Subscript operator |
[,] | Union operator for alternate names or array indices as a set |
[start:end:step] | Array slice operator borrowed from ES4 / Python |
?() | Applies a filter (script) expression via static evaluation |
() | Script expression via static evaluation |
Sample Data
"moduleAccess": {
"users": [
"id": "1",
"firstName": "Nigel",
"lastName": "Rees",
"age": 23,
"gender": "male",
"country": "Australia"
"id": "2",
"firstName": "Evelyn",
"lastName": "Waugh",
"age": 28,
"gender": "female",
"country": "Indonesia"
"id": "3",
"firstName": "Michelle",
"lastName": "White",
"age": 27,
"gender": "female",
"country": "Spain"
"id": "4",
"firstName": "Aaron",
"lastName": "Fernandes",
"age": 22,
"gender": "male",
"country": "India"
"userPermissions": {
"createGrant": true,
"editGrant": false
Data Access Examples
JSON Path | Description |
$.moduleAccess.users[*].firstName | The firstName of all users in the module |
$..country | All countries |
$.moduleAccess.* | All entries in moduleAccess, which are users and userPermissions |
$.moduleAccess..age | Extract age of all the users |
$..users[2] | The third user |
$..users[(@.length-1)] | The last user via script subscript |
$..users[-1:] | The last user via slice |
$..users[0,1] | The first two users via subscript union |
$..users[:2] | The first two users via subscript array slice |
$..users[?(@.age)] | Filter all users with age |
$..users[?(@.age<25)] | Filter all users whose age is lesser than 25 years. |
$..users[?(@.age==27)] | Filter all users whose age is 27 |
$..users[?(@.age<25 && @.country=="Australia")] | Filter all Autstralian users whose age is lesser than 25 |
$..* | All members of JSON structure |